2022 Treatment Map for Invasive Plants

The 2022 planned treatment map was completed this week and it indicates a significant reduction in the presence of invasive plants in Miner Lake!

The 2021 treatment was exceptionally effective – far exceeding our expectations for the first year.

89% reduction in Milfoil

17% reduction in Starry Stonewart

The map below reflects the planned 2022 treatment areas:
– 2.5 acres of Starry Stonewart
– 5.25 acres of non-native Milfoil

Note: Milfoil treatment area includes the following map points: 2-4, 14, 58, 60, 91-96, 105-110, 122-124

For comparison, the 2021 treatment map is below. It included treatment for:
– 3 acres of Starry Stonewart
– 46.5 acres of non-native Milfoil

The actual treatment date has not been established, but we anticipate it will be in the first week of June (will publish a date once known). Residents in treatment areas will receive notice and signs will be posted along the shoreline within 100 feet of treatment areas that indicate what products were used and specific water use restrictions that apply.

We encourage residents to make note of the presence of these plants early in the season so you can help inform us of their effectiveness throughout the summer season.

14 Responses

  1. Hoping the good news about the Milfoil continues. But it has been such a cool cloudy spring I worry that it may not be showing yet. I have many plants in my yard that are just starting to come out. I will be pleased if it is gone but unhappy if it comes back early summer when it is too late to treat.

    • Anne, after receiving the maps (yesterday) I talked with ProgressiveAE to understand what they were seeing on other lakes and if our reduction could be a seasonal effect.

      No seasonal or other generalized cause was identified and they believe the results are due to an effective treatment cycle.

      Earlier today I also spoke with a crew installing docks/boats and they were shocked at the change. They said other lakes they’ve visited have much more milfoil and some even have algae forming.

  2. Am I missing something – the link doesn’t open up the 2022 treatment map…..

    • Some people are not seeing the maps in their email preview – not sure why it isn’t rendering – but clicking through to the actual article should display the maps.

      • I’ve updated the images and they should be visible to all users.

  3. While we anticipated a smaller treatment area over time, we did not expect it to be this much smaller after year one.

    We will continue to monitor (both residents and ProgressiveAE) but the smaller treatment area translates into less plant control and lower overall cost!

  4. I’ve been monitoring our channel and I see more weed growth than ever, I ‘am just wondering how long it will take to completely block boats from getting in and out, fishing has been as bad as it can get compared to past years. If we are paying for it maybe, we need weed control that works.

    • ** Correction ** I was misinformed about the treatment date. A new article will be posted with updated details.
      I’m sorry to hear the weed density in your area has been so notable. Most other areas of the lake have seen a significant decrease to complete elimination based on last year’s treatment.

      The 2022 invasive aquatic plant treatment occurred on June 1. I know the channels were clearly targeted for treatment and the effects should be evident very soon.

      Please advise if you are not seeing improvement.

  5. I have been doing some raking in our channel and have two good piles of a weed that looks like thick long hair, and it comes out in large clumps, and I don’t believe weed spray has any effect, so someone needs to determine what will get rid of it, this is the third year and it gets worse each year.

    • ** Correction ** I was misinformed about the treatment date. A new article will be posted with updated details. The treatment was applied on June 1 and the visible effects take time to penetrate into the plant.

      This is only the second year of treatment and as noted in article above, the majority of the lake experienced very positive results.

      We know the density was very high in the channels, but I anticipate you should see effects very soon.

      Please keep us updated and also note the marker points on the map that are of concern.

  6. There has been some weed kill, but these hair like growth doesn’t seem to be affected, treatment took place on the 1st of June and it’s now the 22nd, I will continue to monitor and get back to you.

    • Please send me an email with a picture of the weed you’re talking about and also confirm what parts of the lake you are noting it (ideally with the number markers on the treatment maps above)

  7. Treatment map indicates 90-97, as for sending pictures I have no clue as to how to accomplish what you’re asking for, old age has taken away such ability.

    • Thank you for that detail and no worries about anything else.
      I sent you an email, But I need to correct the details about the treatment date. It is actually occurring next Monday, June 27th. I’ll be posting an article explaining.

      Sorry for any confusion.


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