Miner Lake Sewer – Information Page

As part of our ongoing effort to provide accurate and objective information about the potential for sewer at Miner Lake, we have posted a dedicated information page.




We will continue to update the site and provide opportunities for public comment at our meetings and within articles on the main Miner Lake site.

2 Responses

  1. You know one of the biggest questions are on minds of people is there any chance sewer would extend to wetlands.Now we all have heard that it cannot happen ,lol ,look at Gun lake If you say it can’t,put your name behind that statement please

    • Jerry, that is a fair question and one we have heard from several residents.

      The question of “Development of the East End” is one of the Questions covered on the sewer.minerlake.com site. In that section, there is a link to the Michigan EGLE Wetlands Viewer site where you can see the East End property is designated as Emergent Wetlands.

      As such, the proposed Miner Lake sewer district does not include or even approach the area of the East End, nor is it designed to accommodate it in the future.

      In regard to the comment about Gun Lake, over the last 10-15 years we have put in place anti-funneling and worked to define zoning ordinances to prevent or avoid the issues you mentioned. Additionally, it is my understanding that most of the channels and building on every possible property that lake occurred prior to the sewer. The sewer project ultimately helped to clean up their water.

      I also viewed the Gun Lake area in the EGLE Wetlands Viewer and it appears the immediate area was considered under the same designation as the East End.

      Thank you for raising this concern and we would be happy to talk further.


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